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Just in from the Design Studio..A GORGEOUS 12 Piece Pure Silk Mini Fabric Pack for the Discriminating Stash Builder.
Product Description

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Twelve crisply pinked 7" x 9" pieces.
Among the finest silks from our designer studio sources.. this is a twelve piece grouping of three uniquely pretty limited edition coordinating designs in a lovely range of colors. Lavenders, pinks, blues, greens, ivory, yellows, orange, red, silvery white and of course there has to be black to ground it all! These silks have a wickedly yummy soft hand with just the right amount of body. Just as silky smooth as a newborn babe. Tip: Winter's approaching so now's the time to stock up on a good salt or sugar hand scrub to use before handling your CQ Stash. Rinse and wipe well and take care to remember lotions leave messy trails on silky pretties. :)
Shipping (alone) to U.S. Continental States: 2.85
Applicable shipping discounts applied after check out before payments are processed.
 Cheerful designer silks in coordinated color run with mini boxes and flowers. Colors include red, green, blue, lavender, yellow, orange, black, white, ivory.
Crisply micro-pinked edges for ease of handling. 18 PCS., sized approx 3 3/4" x 5"
**Applies toward Free Shipping Offer. Applicable shipping discounts applied before your payment is processed.
If shipped alone within Continental US: $1.20, To Canada: 1.65 $4.49 |