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More...About The Not So CrAzY Art Called CrAzY Quilting

Plenty of CrAzies come and go in our lives...CraZy events, CrAzy moods, CrAzY days, CrAzY people...LOL...Did I mention relatives?

But for many of us, crazy quilting is an activity that restores a very special kind of sanity into what might otherwise be a stressful if not crazy day. Of course there are the CQ Nay-Sayer's...those who dare not stray from the comfortable order of perfectly matched scant 1/4" seams and carefully planned quilt patterns (which for any of us has it's seasons & purpose in life as well), lest they not be "really quilting". I'm comfortable responding to those Nay-Sayers who tell me CQ isn't "really" quilting or is too visually haphazard because there was a time when (blush), I too was one of them.

My best and favorite response is to mention that there's a great deal of planning that goes into the selection, collection, and application of gorgeous fabrics in a crazy quilt. There's also a great deal of creativity, knowledge, practice and yes, even SKILL that many CQ'rs gain over time in the methods of selection and application of lovely ephemera (and or embellishments), delicate appliques, and intricate hand and needlework such as ribbon roses and timeless embroideries. Be it a fast & easy patchwork of faded denims or carefully needled heirloom linens, CQ is an art form like any other. The creative desire comes from within while the hand and the mind learn with practice. Perhaps that is why it can offer such a sweet respite after a hectic day. Many times I've heard other CQ'rs say they don't need to sew a single stitch to enjoy the relaxing rewards of crazy quilting. They simply open their stash and admire their gorgeous collection of fabrics and dream of all the pretty things their creative heart songs long to sing. Fingers touch fabric and find soothing textures while eyes take in the calorie free sweets of a luscious raspberry red velvet, cotton candy pink satin or a particularly yummy glistening chocolate brown. It's a respite we all deserve without care or concern for perfectly mitered corners, adherence to another's directions or the rotary blades repetitious sighs through layers of carefully measured fabric strips. To heck with nestled seams, at least for now. Dreaming of embellishments takes us even further into our little moment of much deserved bliss. Ahhhh. Hand dyed Venice laces and Victorian can dream...

Then the phone rings and the dog leaves a gift on the carpet.

Such is life. But we had our moment of CQ therapy..Nothing CrAzy about that!

P.S. Have YOU hugged your stash today??? WYB, MiMi